Gin and Cheesies

Cheesies make the perfect drinks pairing, particularly with a thirst quenching G&T.
Here's how we like to serve a delicious limey G&T:
- 50ml Gin (your favourite one, or why not try the one in your Craft Gin Box)
- Handful of ice
- 2 limes , grated zest and juice
- 200g caster sugar
- 5 circular slices of lime for decoration
- Cheesies (to eat whilst you make)
- Firstly, start by making your homemade lime cordial.
- Zest your limes, and put the lime zest into a saucepan. Squeeze all the juice from your limes into a jug.
- Top your lime just up with a little water (about 100ml)
- Pour this mixture, and the caster sugar into your pan with the zest.
- Gently heat, and stir occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved (don’t let it boil)
- Strain the mixture into a jug and leave to cool.
- Then, get your gin glasses.
Pour 50ml of the lime cordial (recipe above) into a glass (not your serving glass) add a few ice cubes and your gin.
- Stir until the outside of the glass feels very cold.
Decorate your gin glass with the lime slices, add the mixture.